
Use The Universal Truth Finder

Tim Bayer

“Yes, there is now a Universal Truth Finder, available to everyone. In fact, you have access to the Universal Truth Finder right now, and you can use it whenever you choose.”—Tim Bayer

Won Over By Reality

Stop lies. Use the Universal Truth Finder.
Stop lies. Use the Universal Truth Finder.

By Tim Bayer

Tim Bayer

BRIGHTON New York(Weekly Hubris)—May 2018—Yes, there is now a Universal Truth Finder and it’s available to everyone. In fact, you have access to the Universal Truth Finder right now, and you can use it whenever you choose.

A technologically linked world is no longer a Dick Tracey telephone watch science fiction. It is now our smart phone and internet reality. The dark side of speed-of-light communication in a social media-linked world is that it allows for the rampant spread of unverified rumors, false claims, and deliberate lies.

Separating fiction from non- has become a challenge, especially on social media, but also in anything churned out by the political establishment(s). It has long been known that politicians often skirt, spin, and/or skewer the facts. But never before has there been a United States President so nakedly untethered to the truth, as James Comey has succinctly described Donald Trump.

The Universal Truth Finder makes use of the scientific method and science literacy. For finding the truth, science, Does it better than anything else we have come up with as human beings.

As Neil DeGrasse Tyson explains in the video here below: [T]he truth is out there for those who are scientifically literate. Disc Golf

Tim Bayer, Webmaster, and Assistant Editor of Weekly Hubris, was born and brought up in Webster, New York. He attended St. Bonaventure University, earning a BS in Computer Science, and then worked in the hi-tech world. In 2002 he turned his creative energies to product development and video production with the release of his first independently produced products. When the demand for web site design and freelance writing increased, he once again switched skill sets . . . to writing and web work. An avid or, to be more accurate, rabid, disc golfer, he may often be found chasing plastic while in pursuit of the perfect round on a disc golf course, or designing and developing disc golf products for He says he tries to find the humor hidden in everyday experiences, because, “life is too important to be taken seriously.” (Author photo by Tim Bayer. Author Head Shot Augment: René Laanen.)


  • Tim Bayer

    Thanks, Will. Perhaps because Trump lies constantly coupled with the flood of false statements on social media, people will start taking a more proactive approach to verifying stories and become more skilled at strategies for identifying facts instead of defaulting to believing all that they read and hear from unverified sources. Perhaps a little naive on my part, but I am an optimist.