
America: A Failed State?

The Polemicist

by Michael House

“Americans can always be relied upon to do the right thing—after they have exhausted all other remedies.”

—Winston Churchill

KING’S SUTTON England—(Weekly Hubris)—8/22/10—Extreme Republicans habitually wrap themselves in the flag. “God Bless America” is never far from their lips. Yet, what sort of patriotism is it that would destroy their country’s economy in order to undermine a hated and despised President?

What is the foundation of the visceral loathing that these freaks have for Barack Obama? He is no more liberal than Kennedy, LBJ, Carter or Clinton. What sets him apart from these four? Does anyone really need to ask the question?

Embedded in the DNA of these people is a deep-seated abhorrence of the notion of deferring to a Black man. A Black man cannot be a proper President of the US of A. He has to be an alien/Muslim/communist/terrorist. He has to go, even if America goes down with him.

The lunatic fringe is becoming the entire carpet.
The lunatic fringe is becoming the entire carpet.

The more subtle weirdos indulge in a system of campaigning invented by an Australian right-winger, so-called “dog-whistle politics.” The idea is that dogs can hear frequencies that the human ear cannot. So, you dress your propaganda in words to which ordinary people cannot directly object, but the meaning of which your supporters understand only too well. So, when extreme Republicans say. “Let’s take back America,” their supporters hear, “Let’s kick the nigger out of the White House.”

But the less evolved of the knuckle-scrapers cannot manage anything so clever. They can’t avoid letting the cat out of the bag. So, a mammal by the name of Doug Lamborn, a Tea Bagger from Colorado, refers to Obama as “the tar-baby.” It wouldn’t surprise me if he were also a creationist. Evolution seems to have passed him by.

Uber-buffoon Rush Limbaugh has described Obama as “uppity.” Tactfully, he left the “n” word out.

I have just come across a loopy website called “,” and I here share its central theme with you.

1) Obama: Seven Shocking Quotes against Christ & Christianity
Obama: Seven shocking Quotes against Christ & Christianity

2) Obama: Seven Radically Racist Quotes against Caucasians
Obama: Seven Radically Racist Quotes

3) Obama: Amazing Anti-American, Anti-Patriotic Quotes
Obama: Seven Anti-American, Anti-Patriotic Quotes

4) Obama: Evidence of His being a Muslim and His Devotion to Islam
Obama: Evidence of His being a Muslim


We have people like this in Britain. But no one elects them to anything. No one grants them the power to wreck the economy (we leave that to bankers). The lunatic fringe remains just thata fringe.

In Germany in the 1920s, industrial collapse, unemployment and the evaporation of the wealth of the middle class destroyed the Weimar Republic and led to Fascism. The National Socialist Party began as a tiny handful of malcontents. In the 1928 election, it won to 2.6 percent of the votes. By 1933, it had beome the largest party in the Reichstag with 37 percent.

It is not enough to ridicule and deride the Tea Party Movement. No doubt, German liberals in the 20s thought “it couldn’t happen here.” But it did. This movement must be crushed before it gets its hands on any more of the levers of power.

Otherwise, don’t be poor in America. Don’t be sick in America. Don’t be Black in America. Don’t be gay in America.

The 20th century’s beacon of hope will have become the 21st century’s horror story. A giant failed state.

I sure hope Churchill was right.

Michael House, FRGS was born, of rural, peasant stock, in Somerset, England. He read law at Exeter College, Oxford and was elected President of the Oxford Union. In 1974, along with five colleagues, House started up a set of barristers' chambers in three little rooms in Lincoln's Inn, London, specializing in human rights and in representing the poor and dispossessed. The set now comprises 170 members and occupies a 17th-century building that was home to the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated (Spencer Perceval, 1812). In 1987, depressed by Mrs. Thatcher's third election victory, House fled to Greece for three years, where he was published in The Athenian and The Southeastern Review. He also there met his archaeologist wife, Diane. The pair returned to England in 1990 after a half-year, round-the-world trip, and settled in London and Northamptonshire. Since then, by way of escape from humdrum criminality, House has traveled in Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim, Ladakh, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Morocco, Syria, Jordan, Libya, Mongolia, Kashmir, and Sri Lanka, where only the stout walls of Galle Fort saved him and his spouse from being swept away by the tsunami. House returns to Greece, his second home, almost every year. He has written for, inter alia, History Today, the Universities Quarterly, the Sydney Morning Herald, and the Rough Guide to Greece. House practices criminal defense law from Garden Court Chambers, Lincoln's Inn Fields, in London, and hopes that if he keeps on practicing, he may eventually get the hang of it. His yet unachieved ambitions are: to farm alpacas; see Tibet liberated from the Chinese jackboot; and live to see Britain a socialist republic. (Author Head Shot Augment: René Laanen.)


  • Walter S.

    What is the foundation of the visceral loathing that these freaks have for Barack Obama? He is no more liberal than Kennedy, LBJ, Carter or Clinton. What sets him apart from these four? Does anyone really need to ask the question?

    Catagorizing Patriotic Americans as freaks is something a liberal would say, always attacking us in any way shape or form other than the truth. What did you said about us disliking him because he is black? That was another preposterous, I thought it would be exciting to see a black president in my lifetime. I would like to see him go not for being black, but for his ignorance, incompetence failure to improve unemployment And raising the national debt. While doing this, all he has to say it… “It’s all Bush’s fault.” not to mention he wants socialized medicine which is suicide for having any kind of decent medical care for any of us. America has the oldest government, why fix it if it’s not broke? Socialism hasn’t worked anywhere else. Why try it again here where free trade has worked so well until recent years. Sure things need tweaking and changing slightly. But full blown socialist? Now that’s what is freaky.

  • Walter S.

    It is not enough to ridicule and deride the Tea Party Movement. No doubt, German liberals in the 20s thought “it couldn’t happen here.” But it did. This movement must be crushed before it gets its hands on any more of the levers of power.

    Otherwise, don’t be poor in America. Don’t be sick in America. Don’t be Black in America. Don’t be gay in America.

    Are you a lunatic? The Tea Party literally follows The Constitution. Which has proved to be the basis of the greatest country in history. So if you follow the constitution.. You must be stopped? Obviously I can’t speak for every person(like you like to) but the party does not just hate blacks or gays. We are the ones that beleive in freedom
    Just because we beleive in marriage being a union between a man and a woman, does not mean we hate them. They have the same right to think it is… It’s called the first amendment… And I don’t even know what your saying when you say
    “you better not be black”…. Have you been admitted to a mental institution before? If not you should be.

  • Walter S.

    “Show me a young Conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.”

    -Winston Churchill