Subscribe to Hubris

Photo: "Prometheus," by Paul Manship, Rockefeller Center, New York.
“Prometheus,” by Paul Manship, Rockefeller Center, New York.

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Disclaimer: Hubris is, properly speaking, a not-for-profit “spiritual (ad)venture,” edited and published on the web by a group of like-minded friends, intended to be read by all and sundry (who manage to find it).  The -zine is not a commercial enterprise, which means we have no budget, no coffers, no deep pockets. We do our very best to attribute credit for works used, whenever and however we can, as well as to obtain permissions in advance for the use of materials, but we generate no income and copyright remains with our Contributors in every instance.

Published by The Literate Chigger, Inc., PO Box 32, Pendleton SC 29670