
Photo: "Prometheus," by Paul Manship, Rockefeller Center, New York.
“Prometheus,” by Paul Manship, Rockefeller Center, New York.
Dear Friends, Readers & Supporters of Hubris:

Hubris is always grateful for any assistance you may provide. The magazine is an utterly independent, paper-less e-zine which has now, for over a decade, provided a portal to/from a host of diverse, international contributors. It is funded solely by donations from readers and contributors. So, please support us in this effort, and give whatever/when you can. I, myself, believe what we contribute is worth . . . your contributing.

As always, thanks for reading,

Elizabeth Boleman-Herring, Publishing-Editor

Donating By Check:

On the subject line of your check, please write: “For Hubris.” Checks should be sent to the USPS address: The Literate Chigger, Inc., “Weekly Hubris,” PO Box 605, Pendleton SC 29670.

Disclaimer: Hubris is, properly speaking, a not-for-profit venture, edited and published on the web by a group of like-minded friends. The -zine is not a commercial enterprise, which means we have no budget, no coffers, no deep pockets; we run no ads; and subscription is free of charge. We do our very best to attribute credit for works used, whenever and however we can, as well as to obtain permissions in advance for the use of materials, but we generate no income and copyright remains solely with our contributors in every instance. If any infringement of copyright occurs, it is unintentional, and we welcome your bringing it to our attention, but we cannot pay for use” of materials.

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The Literate Chigger Press, Inc., PO Box 605, Pendleton SC 29670