About Us

Weekly Hubris’s Publishing-Editor, Elizabeth Boleman-Herring (Photo by Doris Anthanassakis. Photo Augment: René Laanen.)
Weekly Hubris’s Publishing-Editor, Elizabeth Boleman-Herring (Photo by Doris Anthanassakis. Photo Augment: René Laanen.)

The Publishing-Editor of Hubris (formerly Weekly Hubris) was once upon a time joined by a plethora of international commentators of various stripes, driven by diverse creative and ideological demi-urges, to bring  . . . “more light” to readers scattered across the worldwide web. (Hence our overall title, which derives from the life’s work of the late, great Titan, Prometheus.)

Our contributors, over time, have comprised a self-proclaimed-Wordspinner-cum-puzzle-master; a perpetually and passionately outraged British barrister; an expatriated and ex-urban poet-politician; a playwright-cum-Reiki-Master; an Aikido-Sensei-cum-graphic artist; an itinerant, literate gastronome; an adventure-prone, journeyman technical writer; a Deep-Fried-Southern Austen & Autobiography scholar; the eternally-pissed-off F. Theresa; men of books and much more from Alaska and North Carolina; a financier fled from the Halls of Mammon; one of the foremost contemporary poets of America; a trumpet-playing martial artist devoted to The Prophet; another trumpet-playing musicologist fond of the open road (and fries with it); a photographer/masseuse from Santorini; and yours truly.

The archives of all these writers/artists will be preserved here, in virtual space, while WeeklyHubris.com endures as a publication. So, come back at will, and graze deeply. We’ll be here. Stealing a little fire from the gods. For you. (Oh. And subscribe, dern it. Contact Tim Bayer, at [email protected], and he’ll add your email to our list.)

Read Hubris. It’s one of the much lesser-known paths to enlightenment.

Elizabeth Boleman-Herring,
Publishing-Editor, Hubris

PS Hubris, from the Greek, means, roughly, “presumption.” And, since I selected this moniker for our site, I presume you may want a few words—just a few—of explanation. Why hubris? Prometheus, the Greek Titan, an old-school, Progressive type, thought the gods had a lot of goodies that needed sharing with mankind. Not just fire, (according to Wikipedia) but “all the civilizing arts, such as writing, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, metallurgy, architecture and agriculture.” In fact, the gods, in Prometheus’s day, were determined to wipe out mankind . . . and so the Titan snuck up to the holy mountain and went about his brothers’ and sisters’ business. He committed the (Ancient Greek) sin of hubris, so that we might roast marshmallows . . . and so, so much more.

Disclaimer: Hubris is, properly speaking, a not-for-profit venture, edited and published on the web by a group of like-minded friends. The -zine is not a commercial enterprise, which means we have no budget, no coffers, no deep pockets; we run no ads; and subscription is free of charge. We do our very best to attribute credit for works used, whenever and however we can, as well as to obtain permissions in advance for the use of materials, but we generate no income and copyright remains solely with our contributors in every instance. If any infringement of copyright occurs, it is unintentional, and we welcome your bringing it to our attention, but we cannot pay for use” of materials.

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The Literate Chigger Press, Inc., PO Box 32, Pendleton SC 29670