Penguin Pride
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—8/3/2015—It’s sometimes entertaining to speculate about what others might be thinking, and give those thoughts voice. In the video I’ve found for you…
Remotely Amusing
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—7/27/2015—Kids and the elderly use language very differently. Well, in fact, we speak entirely different languages, and we interact in entirely different ways.…
Animated Paper
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—6/29/2015—The pinnacle of my origami expertise is the paper airplane, but I have a great appreciation for the skill of the masters of…
Drunk: Under the Trees & Under the Influence
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—4/20/2015—The fermentation process we humans utilize to create beer, hard liquor, and other alcoholic beverages can also occur (naturally) when fruits are left…
A Car Jumping (Retold)
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—2/2/2015—It looked like a road rage incident—a lunatic jumping up and down on the roof of a car—but it wasn’t exactly road rage, and…
The Name Game (Instant Replay)
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—2/2/2015—The first two segments of my Groundhog Day Revisited Trilogy are “I Don’t Think They Said That (Again)” and “A Car Jumping (Retold).”…
I Don’t Think They Said That (Again)
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—2/2/2015—As the featured contributor at Weekly Hubris this week, I’ve been asked to present a trio of posts. Since my turn at the…
Extraordinary Choreography
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—1/5/2014—With the proliferation of stunning digital image manipulation and special effects, most of the coolest of the cool visual stuff on view in…
Piano Magic
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—12/29/2014—For all of you, this last week of the 2014 holiday season, I have a festive video to share that features a magical piano,…
Christmas Switch
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—12/15/2013—If you surfed into Weekly Hubris last year at this time, you would have seen singing animals in my post titled, “An Animal Jingle.”…