Epic Float
“Asher Lev, there are two ways of painting the world. In the whole history of art, there are only these two ways. One is the way of Greece and Africa, which sees the world as a geometric design. The other is the way of Persia and India and China, which sees the world as a flower.”—By Chaim Potok
Speculative Friction
By Claire Bateman

GREENVILLE South Carolina—(Weekly Hubris)—5/12/2014—“He said to me one day in the second week of July, ‘Asher Lev, there are two ways of painting the world. In the whole history of art, there are only these two ways. One is the way of Greece and Africa, which sees the world as a geometric design. The other is the way of Persia and India and China, which sees the world as a flower. Ingres, Cezanne, Picasso paint the world as geometry. Van Gogh, Renoir, Kandinsky, Chagall paint the world as a flower.’”—From “My Name is Asher Lev,” by Chaim Potok
Note: Poet, educator, and editor Claire Bateman also paints. Please click through here further to investigate all her creative work: http://clairebateman.blogspot.com/.
One Comment
Elizabeth Boleman-Herring
Potok was, largely, right about Greece and, certainly, North Africa, but there WAS the group that came up with the Corinthian column: the flower always seems able and willing to push up through the cement.