I Can Dance! I Can Really Dance!
Won Over By Reality
By Tim Bayer
BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—2/10/2014—Everyone understands that skill improves in direct relationship to the time spent practicing an activity. I would guess that there’s a lot of footage documenting people’s progress in various endeavors but I suspect there are very few of these increasing-skill-levels-over-time videos that are actually entertaining. I believe I’ve found one, however.
A quick weekly backtrack: If you have some time to kill and you missed my last post, here’s a link to a very funny NFL video: “They Said What?!”
The subject of this week’s video-share is the burgeoning ability of a guy who wanted to become a better dancer and, so, taught himself. The last sequence is especially entertaining because of the music, the dancing style, and the site. Let’s dance!
(If you, yourselves, come across an entertaining link or video, I’d be interested in seeing it, and sharing it with my readers at Weekly Hubris. Please contact me at: Email: tim@safegdriver.com.)
You go, boy !
All right!