A Soft Answer (Proverbs 15:1)
“I used to be more grace-filled than I am now. While I was serving as pastor, there were many times when I had to put aside my hurt and anger with parishioners who…
A Spiritual Replacement
“Emboldened and ever grateful for the advances in modern medicine, I find myself longing for more than a joint replacement. Suffice to say, 5 November broke me, and I have been unable, on…
Before the Ides of November
“I had the pleasure of attending a Kamala Harris rally in South Carolina, invited to the meet-and-greet by a member of a congregation I was serving at that time. I had admired Harris…
Up a New Crick
“When I was in the third grade, my unseasoned student teacher from Long Island insisted my use of the word ‘crick’ was incorrect and went so far as to contend that there was…
Frisbees, Graham’s Number & My Statement of Faith
“I will never forget the moment I pulled off onto the shoulder of a Pennsylvania road and sat scribbling down words that came to me . . . out of nowhere. It wasn’t…
Christmas Eve in Bethlehem Has Been Cancelled
“I spent four months studying in Israel at the Tantur Ecumenical Institute, which is beautifully situated atop a hill on the southern edge of Jerusalem, overlooking the Judean Hills and Bethlehem. It was…
God in A Box, Pulled by An Ox: 2 Samuel 6: 1-19
“If we read a few verses beyond our text for today, we find in Michal the voice of rage. She mocks David for his behavior. She is apoplectic because David uncovers himself, exposing much…
The Three Unbidden Visitors
“Looking across the desk at the three—a symbolically weighty number when applied to biblical visitors—something didn’t feel right to the young pastor. She struggled to keep from nervously swiveling in the big chair.…
Psalm 22: Honest to God
“But, Oh Best Beloved, without psalms of lament, we are cut off from our anger or our grief. We give up the opportunity to be honest with God about our emotions. Just as…
In Our Present Darkness (1 Samuel 3: 1-19)
“Is it any wonder we are becoming fatalists, resigned to living in the impenetrable dark? I admit to feeling helpless, despondent and, at times, numb. Waves of depression and faithlessness wash over me,…