When Yo Mama Had a Sword: Dueling
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “When dueling was legal, we were politer.”—Anonymous “When dueling was legal, we were meeker.”—The Wordspinner CLEMSON South Carolina—(Weekly Hubris)—12/12/11—I almost caused an accident recently listening to Dr.…
Microcosms in the Classroom: Student Surnames
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.”—William Shakespeare’s Juliet “He said true things but called them…
The Write Stuff: Cursive vs Keyboard
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “Writing by hand makes you more apt to hear the inner voice.”—John Updike “Writing words by hand is a technology that’s just too slow for our times…
Original Kin: Adam and Eve
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “Eve ate of the apple, enticed Adam to eat of it as well, and all of us, as a result, are rotten to the core.” —Arthur Krystal…
Thinking Outside “The Bachs”: Musical Instruments
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “Charles II slept through the sermon, but woke for Westminster’s great pipes.”—The Wordspinner “I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cow bells.”—Christopher Walken CLEMSON…
Let’s See What Develops: Photography
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “A new industry [photography] has arisen which contributes much to confirming stupidity in its faith and to ruining what might have remained of the divine in the…
Game Changers: Change
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “Fearsome chess masters fear the fearlessness of Deep Fritz.”—The Wordspinner “Roll over Beethoven, dig these rhythm and blues.”—Chuck Berry CLEMSON South Carolina—(Weekly Hubris)—10/31/11—Several bad calls in the…
Talking Back to the Recorded Message: Authority
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “The gods I worshipped demanded the dance of death. I had no other choice . . . .”—Adolf Eichmann “Galileo’s raised middle finger points at the Vatican.”—The…
Overlooking the Honey: Asceticism
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “Those [willing to be eunuchs for heaven’s sake] should accept it.”—Jesus of Nazareth “Let but one tenth part of humanity pursue [asceticism] consistently, and in a day’s…
From Technophobe to Alpha Geek: Computers
Skip the BS. by Skip Eisiminger “Hackito ergo sum.”—Anonymous President Eisenhower:“Is there a God?” Anonymous Computer:“There is now.” CLEMSON South Carolina—(Weekly Hubris)—10/3/11—In 1946,The University of Pennsylvania’s ENIAC computer, built for the US Army,…