Astrology: As Above, So Below?
Skip the BS. by Skip Eisiminger “The celestial bodies are the cause of all that takes place in the sublunar world.”—St. Thomas Aquinas “I don’t believe in astrology; I’m a Sagittarius and we’re…
Play Is Not a Four-Letter Word
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “First rule: leave [the children] alone . . . .” —D.H. Lawrence “When we use play to promote fitness and prevent heart attacks, ‘we change its gold…
Taking the –ugh Out of Laughter
Skip the BS. by Skip Eisiminger “Our accents are lost when we laugh.” —Anonymous “Laughter is the surest lingua franca.”—The Wordspinner CLEMSON, SC—(Weekly Hubris)—11/8/10—“Woe unto you” who feel inclined to laugh, warned Jesus,…
Ever Meet a Left-Handed Corkscrew?
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.”—Sir Isaac Newton “The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.”—Jacob…
Our Common Bond (We’re All Homo sapiens sapiens, Whose DNA Is 99.9999% Identical)
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “Nothing human is alien to me.”—Terrence “As the Apple is pulled down, the Earth is pulled up.”—The Wordspinner CLEMSON, SC—(Weekly Hubris)—10/4/10—Though surely inevitable, the strain created by…
Peeing in a Pool Because It’s Kidney Shaped
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “All perception of truth is the perception of analogy; we reason from our hands to our head.”—Henry David Thoreau “All of us get our thoughts entangled in…
“Musings of an Affectionado”
Skip the BS. By Skip Eisiminger “Quilting is a useful hobby for the elderly, wherein the crap of a lifetime can be turned into a patchwork comforter.” —Anonymous “A malapropism is a form…
“As Was Said of Old”
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “There’s an old proverb that says just about anything you want it to.” —Anonymous “Solomon made a book of proverbs, but a book of proverbs never made…
“Giving With One Hand; Taking With The Other”
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “God made everything out of the void, but the void shines through.” —Paul Valery “Anyone who isn’t confused doesn’t really understand the situation.” —Edward R. Murrow Clemson,…
“Ballast & Millstones”
Skip the B.S. by Skip Eisiminger “Twenty tons of rock in a clipper’s hold/on the high seas is worth its weight in gold.” —The Wordspinner “The past has a vote, not a veto.”…