Hurdling the Hazards at the Ramadan Inn: ESL Students
“Driving out of the zoo’s parking lot, a student from Israel exclaimed, ‘Oh, look! There’s a peace pigeon.’ It was a mourning dove, of course, and then I had to explain why it…
Super Heavyweights: Whales
“As half of my brain struggled not to hate the highly social, carnivorous orca, I was reminded that some Northwest Native Americans regard them as the reincarnated souls of humans. This may be…
Cutting the Butterfly from Its Cocoon: Failure
“Evolution’s unceasing determination to improve life from monocytes to mammals depends on clearing the deadwood, but the deadwood has its uses. Pico Iyer, a superb travel writer, has described the lotus blossom, the…
Permanently Smitten: Love
“Over the years, she and I have evolved a bilingual departure ceremony: as I kiss her goodbye, I say, ‘Juice’ (an anglicized variation on the German Tschüs or ‘bye’), and she says, ‘Luba du,’ or, ‘Lova…
The Professor Is (All) In
“Over the 40 years I taught English and Humanities at Clemson University, students arriving at my door in Strode Tower were greeted by a bewildering array of passive-aggressive cartoons, photographs, and quotations. These…
Caring Enough: Selflessness
“Though I expect Ingrid will deny it, I married a mensch. I had suspected it all along from the empathetic way she acted around animals and children, but my suspicions were confirmed when we…
The Non-Spatial Continuum on Which Events Occur in Irreversible Order: Time
“After a friend recommended that I reacquaint myself with Judy Collins’ poignant ballad ‘Who Knows Where the Time Goes?’ I found myself in what many of her fans will recognize: a musically induced…
On Sacred Grounds: Coffee
“‘All aboard,’ cried the conductor as the steam whistle underscored his cry. ‘Oh, dear, the train’s leaving,’ said a traveler at the lunch counter, ‘and my coffee’s too hot to drink.’ ‘Drink mine,…
Haptic Teams Win More Games: Touch
“Physicists tell us that, in fact, no real touch is possible. Thus, when lips meet, they say, two electric fields are interacting, electrons are grazing electrons. Perhaps so, but if a pretty server…
Grateful for Every Plateful: Prayer
“Claire has never forgotten the panic he felt when, at age eleven, stretched out on an operating table, the surgeon who was about to excise his inflamed tonsils, asked everyone in the OR…