Proofing Life
“Life cannot be proofread/I tried/I failed/It almost killed me”—By Helen Noakes
Waking Point
By Helen Noakes

“We cannot change anything unless we accept it.”—C. G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul
SAN FRANCISCO, California—(Weekly Hubris)—6/2/2014—
Life cannot be proofread
I tried
I failed
It almost killed me
Until I learned
To set it down
In type
I edited
The spelling and the grammar
Arranged the sentences
To flow
Along a writer’s river called
But in spite of my best efforts
I could not proofread life
It happened
As it happened
Defying me
To find my story’s arc
Will Balk, Jr.
ain’t it the truth!
Elizabeth Boleman-Herring
Helen, I find it fascinating to contemplate “your palette of genres.” If readers look at your bio, they’ll learn that you’ve given your adult life to the plastic arts AND Reiki; to writing plays AND writing poetry; to Gurdjieff AND to Giotto (as it were). It’s a rare constellation of gifts, and I am so, so happy to have known you, and shared in the wealth, Lo, these several decades.
Helen Noakes
My dear Elizabeth, thank you! Praise from an accomplished writer such as you means a great deal. Couragio, my dear friend.
Helen Noakes
Ted Balk, thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. And all I can say to your observation is, “Yep!”