

Waking Point

Helen Noakesby Helen Noakes

“…One stands posturing/Before the cameras,/Spouting rehearsed lies./Hair slicked by a $500 barber./Couture suit,/Costing more than one man’s yearly wage./He smiles his million dollar smile,/Says he’s one of us./Really?” Helen Noakes


SAN FRANCISCO California—(Weekly Hubris)—6/4/2012—

Step right up to the sideshow.
Step right up to the sideshow.


One stands posturing
Before the cameras,
Spouting rehearsed lies.
Hair slicked by a $500 barber.
Couture suit,
Costing more than one man’s yearly wage.
He smiles his million dollar smile,
Says he’s one of us.

The other, fat and furious,
Sits spouting hate into a microphone,
Screams invectives against,
The jobless,
All who dare have less than millions,
Who dare demand a living wage.
His $500 barber makes out better
Than the first.
He’s got less to cut.
His couture tailor makes out worse,
He has more to cover.

The third, up from last night’s binge,
Stands swaying slightly on the Senate steps,
Spouts more lies.
Eyes bleary,
He tows the Party line,
His gonads clearly in a vice.
What do they have on him
The ones who threaten,
The ones whose religion is hate?
Barbers he has,
And tailors, too,
But not quite so fine.
He spends his loot elsewhere,
Some clearly on bottles
That are never
Too far away.

A House divided.
A Nation scrambling.
Because of stupid,

Our fault!

Helen Noakes is a playwright, novelist, writer, art historian, linguist, and Traditional Reiki Master, who was brought up in and derives richness from several of the world’s great traditions and philosophies. She believes that writing should engage and entertain, but also inform and inspire. She also believes that because the human race expresses itself in words, it is words, in the end, that will show us how very similar we are and how foolish it is to think otherwise. (Author Head Shot Augment: René Laanen.)