Wintry Autumn
“On my first trip to Key West, Florida, I visited the home of Ernest Hemingway to explore the gardens, and discovered that there were more than 150 cats living on the premises. The scene…
Indian Summer
“After the dry-picking, when the tall plants and poison ivy bordering the pond next to the bog lose their bright red and orange hues, it is time to flood the bog for harvesting.…
Summer Farewell
“Before the end of my final summer with Haydn on Cape Cod, my good friend and fellow vocalist Marianne Bermingham and I decided to go on an adventure. Our purpose was to venture…
Mid-Summer Haze
“Before reaching the bay side of Popponesset Spit, Clifford would excitedly jump off the boat and into the water before we landed. We would grab a line, pull the boat far up onto…
Summer Heat
“The view haunted me for decades, and I was determined to paint it. When I finally returned to sketch the scene beneath the bridge, nothing had changed, even the clothes on the line,…
Spring, Almost
“It is a rare occurrence to experience nature at its most spectacular. This was one of those evenings. On my walk to the store, I stopped abruptly, taken by surprise as I came…
Early Spring
“We walked behind the church and found the grave of Vincent Van Gogh next to that of his brother Theo. I stood up and recognized one of the expansive vistas painted by Van…
Winter Abides
“Though I wore heavy mittens, my fingers grew numb as I sketched this foggy, snow-drizzly scene onto a thick piece of wood.”—Meredith d’Ambrosio The Disappearing Land By Meredith d’Ambrosio DUXBURY Massachusetts—(Weekly Hubris)—3/3/2014— …
Deep Winter
“Silent snowfall on deep woods; the crunching of my footsteps in the dry, thick snow; the promise of a warm fireplace and hot cocoa when I reached home and shed my winter clothes.”—Eddie…