Love Probably
“In honor of Valentine’s Day, a few little snippets about love.”—Helen Noakes
Waking Point
By Helen Noakes

SAN FRANCISCO California—(Weekly Hubris)—February 2019—In honor of Valentine’s Day, a few little snippets about love . . . .
I once thought love was cinemascopic
But, now, I find it quite myopic.
With blurred lines wistfully geotropic
Love’s desperately philanthropic.
I much prefer Eros to Cupid.
The former has muscles.
The latter’s just stupid.

When I first met it, Love was a hunter
With whom I played a game of catch or flee.
Now Love’s an old friend and a punter,
Who much prefers a game of wait and see.
Love has wings
It also stings
And often sings
Off key
A prisoner of Love?
I asked.
It can’t be true!
But what a task it was,
At last,
To be free of you.
Love’s not really lost on youth,
It’s more profound with age.
Youthful love’s the spotlight.
Older love’s the stage.
In loving
Is it the mind
Or heart
That can’t
Catch up?
Now and then
I wonder when
I’ll learn to feel
Much less
Ross Konikoff
Helen, I love this! Despite the excruciating pain of being “traded” in the tenth year of my first forever after, I hung on and things got crazy better than they had ever been! I find love fascinating. I love your Valentine.
Robin White
Beautiful truth! Or as those of us in my vocation might say, “Word!” Thank you, Helen.