Oakland’s Voices-Made-Murals
“Recent events have largely silenced photographer Chiara-Sophia Coyle, but they haven’t stopped her from seeing, documenting, and reporting back to us what is going up on the walls of her ‘hood’ in Oakland, California. This little portfolio speaks for the residents of Oakland in the early summer of 2020, through the eyes and lenses of an adopted daughter of northern California.”—Chiara-Sophia Coyle
Clicks & Relativity
By Chiara-Sophia Coyle
OAKLAND California—(Weekly Hubris)—15 July 2020—Editor’s Note: Recent events have largely silenced photographer Chiara-Sophia Coyle, but they haven’t stopped her from seeing, documenting, and reporting back to us what is going up—what is being expressed—on the walls of her ‘hood’ in Oakland, California. This little portfolio speaks for the residents of Oakland in the early summer of 2020, through the eyes and lenses of an adopted daughter of northern California.