A Farewell to Donkeys
“Growing up on the island of Mykonos in the 1960s, my brother and I were the only blond and blue-eyed children in sight. In fact, we were among the very first foreigners to…
A Muslim Musician Speaks
“At the end of the gig, a group of four people came up to me. I don’t think they were from the City; my guess would be they were from somewhere in the…
Remembering Culinary Gazientep
“When I first met Filiz Hosukoglu at my first Oldways Conference on Crete in 1997, she impressed me with her quiet manner, her knowledge—about food and about life—and her stories about Gaziantep, her…
The Professor Is (All) In
“Over the 40 years I taught English and Humanities at Clemson University, students arriving at my door in Strode Tower were greeted by a bewildering array of passive-aggressive cartoons, photographs, and quotations. These…
Doug Van Gundy’s Poetry
“The man at the table across from mine/is eating a painting with a knife and fork./It looks to be a lesser Pollock, or perhaps/a Clyfford Still, regardless, abstract/expressionism, surprisingly modern/for a restaurant…
The British Monarchs: Birds in a Gilded Cage . . . or Scam-Artists?
“People say, what does it matter? It’s harmless. The Queen is only a figurehead. It brings in the tourists. But she is more than a figurehead. Every piece of potential legislation that may…
The Poetry of Jeff Hardin
“Almost as suddenly, I thought of all the important lines by others that have stayed with me through the years: ‘You must change your life’ (Rilke), ‘How soon unaccountable I became’ (Whitman), ‘practice…
If You Weren’t A Donut, You Could Be A Model
“This fall and winter, Mark Addison Kershaw’s identity, Lo, his very being, fell into the hands of thieves, varmints, and villains. His intellectual property writ large (and captioned) across the vasty spaces of…
Tempests Over San Francisco
“The tumult of raging nature that I watch with fascination incongruously stirs a memory of a Greek song I learned as a child where Thunder is a giant woman whose bracelets rumble as…
An Argument for Holding Certain Rituals Above Ground in Winter
“Since your death, my entire body has gradually dismembered, so why shouldn’t my feet be outside in the bushes walking around by themselves while at the same time not really there at all?…