Love, Fear & Loathing, Etc.: In The Eye of One Beholder
“Most emotions, and perhaps all—and I posit there are thousands of them, shared to a greater or lesser degree by many sentient beings on this planet—have something in common: they depend on .…
Communicating The Fall
“The problem is that all the political infighting leading up to the economic future of Britain or to the next US Presidential election fades into insignificance compared to the catastrophic effects of unchecked…
Fear (or Creeping Dread) & Its Antidote
“To accompany this column, I give you three of the joyful images that lifted our spirits this summer. There were dozens more I couldn’t capture, but can conjure up when a smile is…
When Fear Matters
“The question, ‘Why?’ forms at the moment you see your first death. It never goes away. It’s never answered.”—Helen Noakes Waking Point By Helen Noakes “Monsters exist, but they are too few in…
Fear on the Mat
“Yes, we are definitely afraid of being attacked, particularly when we are new to the training, but there is so much more: fear of someone’s strength, fear of someone’s anger, fear of looking…
Game Changers: Fear of Change
“Fear of the latest technology is often assumed without proof of harm. While it’s true that industrial robots have killed several people working around them, the fault in most cases was the human’s.…
Tomorrow Belongs To You
“You’re mine by virtue of love and perseverance, by the force of sheer determination. For your grandmother and I held onto our friendship through political upheavals which hurled our families to opposite ends…
After One Was Three
“My ‘advice,’ the crone-wisdom of 2016, differs dramatically from what I had to impart, to say, as a young adult mother in 1987. For our world—that of my granddaughters and me—has morphed quickly…
Next? Waka!
“For me, and the over 400 other lovely maniacs from all over the globe who are my training partners, the camp represents an uber-immersion in our beloved martial art. We are all here…
Letter To a Granddaughter, September 2030
“Petros Ladas is my son. I’ve asked him to guest-write this ‘letter to the future’ since he’s been telling me about all the positive possibilities of our planet’s evolution. It does not have…