“Hello, Sensei!”
Squibs & Blurbs By Jerry Zimmerman Editor’s Note: When I lived, edited, and taught Iyengar Yoga (briefly) in Sensei Zimmerman’s beautiful dojo, I gently strong-armed him into writing about his passion and his…
In Two Places At Once
“This ‘answer’ has come to be the watchword of my faith, my touchstone to tap in the midst of problems, unhappiness, confusion, or even joy. It brings focus and perspective to me, and…
Walking on Earth is Heaven (Best of Hubris)
“The great attraction for most students of Aikido is the underlying philosophy behind all the physical training. Essentially, you can’t keep improving in the art unless you consistently work on yourself, shedding ego,…
Love is the Drug & the Drug is Love
“Walking all over campus, my visit was delightful, but surprisingly not nostalgic. I was not wishing to go back to those golden days, not wishing to trade places with my old self. I…
Old Corrections, New Understandings: Aha!
“No matter what is going on between people, it is always a relationship—nothing happens unless the other person is there with his or her energy. No anger, no harmony, no conflict, no love. No nothing.…
The Big Smack, or How I Found Aikido (From 2014)
“Growing up, I was interested in all the normal sorts of things my peers in suburban Pennsylvania were interested in, yet there was one thing that seemed to be mine alone, a love…
The Big Guy, My Favorite Art in the World
“Michelangelo has created an object, a statue of a man, that through its pose, its surface, its weight and angles, its proportions and material, its magical being, its gorgeousness, opens a glimpse into…
Wheels in the Tunnel, Roots in the Ground
“I have tried hard to find that sweet spot where my mind roams less and my soul expands more, and it is a very slippery sweet spot. My Aikido training has been my…
A Tale of Three Brothers (Best of WH)
“It was the middle of the night, it was snowing, it was bitter cold, and I was in the middle of upstate New York with nothing but farmland around. And I was a couple…
A Three-Hundred-Pound Drunk & Other Aikido Stories
“Our lives are in constant flux, yet we don’t need to be swallowed up in the buzzing stress. It’s possible to make conscious efforts to keep a strong sense of ourselves, to keep…