Rewilding Religion (Best of “Hubris”)
On The Other Hand By Anita Sullivan A Thai “Spirit House,” or “San Phra Phum,” meaning “Abode of the Land’s Guardian Spirit.” “Archaeologists, anthropologists, and other social scientists have known for quite some…
On Being at Harry Simon’s Funeral (Best of “Hubris”)
“What’s happened over these four years? I really thought Harry’s funeral, at this particular funeral home, would be a truly terrible event for me; all but impossible to get through. Unbearable. I…
Welcome to Maine (Best of “Hubris”)
“Last year, I took a trip to Maine to look at some property and, as luck would have it, found a parcel I thought ideal: woods surrounded by miles upon miles of woods,…
The Alaskan Way Of Death (Best of “Hubris”)
“The ground is frozen solid, and no amount of shoveling, hacking, or pick-axing is going to create a grave. In Alaska, a corpse is ‘put on ice’ until summer, usually July or August,…
The Gripes of Wrath (Best of “Hubris”)
“Whenever John and Martha pass in the hallway or in the elevator, they inquire whether or not the noise from the dogs bothers us. We shrug and say, ‘Oh well . . .…
Drinking with Thracians (Best of “Hubris”)
“We were all Greek citizens, and proud to be: yet we were so different. I was Greek yet American-born and bred; the other three were born in Greece, and in Thrace, specifically. One…
When I Was Your Age (Best of “Hubris”)
Speculative Friction By Claire Bateman “. . . there used to be something between units of information that was not itself information this substance was so exquisite so fine-spun that we were altogether…
Pandering to the Populace
“Everything, every thing, and every being must be monetized. From soil to oil, from water to air, from joy to toys, everything must be assigned value. What kind of value? The only kind…
Rising Time (A Prose-Poem from Our Archives)
“So they all went to get their digging spoons, and set to work, the eldest with his sterling silver baby spoon from very long ago; the middle child with her sea-shell-shaped sugar spoon;…
A Lie? ’Tis But The Truth In a Masquerade
“The paired masks of the muses, Thalia and Melpomene, Comedy and Tragedy, hint at the expanse of expression and the range of characters contained in theater. They also suggest the duality that masks…