The Demagogue Cometh (Again): Trump
“In the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, the Republican Party has been hijacked by a demagogue. Along with everyone else in the twittering class, I’ve waited several months too long to make…
To Catch A Thief: “That” Pat Conroy
“If he was planning on shoplifting, this guy was a past master at disarming store security. He was charming, witty, engaging, and unassuming. We spoke for a little while, I found a few…
My Lifelong Voyage In A Paper Canoe
“I remember crawling on the dirt, crawling because I am unable to stand unassisted. I am underneath a structure, in its shadow, while all around there is bright sunshine on weedy grass. I…
Dances With Wind
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—2/1/2016—In the video here, the apparatus in use looks like it might be some sort of zero-gravity tube. Actually, it’s a vertical wind…
Stolen Figs, Stolen Spuds
“Turning his sparkling Corfiot eyes my way, he said, ‘Alekaki, row me to the shore,’ grinning as he stripped down to his Fruit-of-the-Loom tank top and same-brand tighty-whities: ‘We’re off to steal figs!’”—Alexander…
The Trumpocene Era
“I have known, for decades, that American discourse was degenerating into babble; that the American academy was becoming, more and more, a dumbed-down, profit-based, high-school-equivalency engine; that American society was devolving into race-,…
Bringing In The New Year, Greek Style
“For twelve hours we left the ‘crisis’ behind, and revisited the Greece we used to take for granted.”—Diana Farr Louis Eating Well Is The Best Revenge By Diana Farr Louis ATHENS Greece—(Weekly Hubris)—1/25/2016—After…
A New Planet! Really?
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—1/25/2016—Maybe you’ve heard: there’s a new planet in our solar system. But wait: a new planet in our solar system hasn’t really been been…
James Veitch’s Solid Gold Giant Gummy Lizard
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—1/18/2016—The email exchange between James Veitch and Solomon-the-Scammer is exceedingly funny. While relating his tale, via a TedTalk, Veitch presents a novel perspective…
The Farther You Go, The Better It Looks: Home
“I grew up in a military family that moved 17 times in 17 years. Yet, like Huck, I always felt that our apartment, duplex, or house was a home because I was loved…