On The Road, At Last: Katakolo & The Peloponnese
“The invitation jolted us out of our doldrums; we hardly had to think twice. We needed a change desperately, couldn’t face going to the island and spending days getting the house, empty for…
I’ve Been Here for 43 Minutes & I Don’t Feel Any Better
“I nag Mark Addison Kershaw. Every month. I nag all of Hubris’s Contributors, but I single Mark out for special attention. Because he makes me smile, always, and, many times, he makes me…
The Writing of Marream Krollos
“. . .The horses can focus. They will not be disturbed by their vision. I am too loud when I speak. We are also too loud. The horses stay quiet in the city.…
Not at All Foggy Now, Mr. Fermi
“American professor and science educator Carl Sagan and Soviet astronomer and astrophysicist I. S. Shklovskii speculated in their 1966 book, Intelligent Life in the Universe, that technological civilizations will either destroy themselves within…
Objets du Coeur
“When my mother passed 22 years ago, my siblings weren’t interested in most of her possessions (just as today, I’m told, many children don’t really want their parents’ old photos and dishes). But…
Permanently Smitten: Love
“Over the years, she and I have evolved a bilingual departure ceremony: as I kiss her goodbye, I say, ‘Juice’ (an anglicized variation on the German Tschüs or ‘bye’), and she says, ‘Luba du,’ or, ‘Lova…
The Poetry of Adrienne Burris
“I want to tell both wolves that one year ago,/my brother died in the middle of the night./Died suddenly and alone, so this freefall, over/the edge with breath-catching, body strapped/floating over steel beams,…
The Sifnos Monster
“Stellios, owner of the local ice-cream shop as well as the only Greek taverna in Iceland, poked fun and teased us about the Sifnos Monster, but it became apparent that it was bothering…
Desperately Seeking Ketamine No Longer
“The music hits me, while on ketamine, in ways I cannot predict, nor handle in the moment. Sometimes, for me, any input at all, and perhaps especially music, is too powerful a stimulus.…
Santorini Felines
Out of Santorini By Doris Athanassakis Editor’s Note: This portfolio of eleven Black & White images comprised the second collection of work by photographer Doris Athanassakis at Hubris, and first appeared here in May of…