A Poet’s Reply to the Question: ‘Who is Your Audience?’
“I think it is a collective self you are ultimately writing for, but not a universal one: you are writing for anybody, but not for everybody.”—Anita Sullivan On The Other Hand By Anita…
The Aerophytes Take Wing
“We will rise up from this place as though we had never been here in the first place, nesting within our sturdy hearts the neighbors we have come to love, but never, I…
Unforgettable Paula Wolfert & The Memory Cupboard
“One of the ties that keeps us close is a shared love of food and cooking. When in France or Greece we can spend hours poking around farmers’ markets, discussing menus, and turning…
Trash Talk
“I am known for walking with my eyes to the ground. This may be taken by some as evidence of my melancholy character. To my Edwardian great-aunts, it would have been evidence of…
Apollo 13, The Mission & The Movie
“Along with our idealism, there was an unquestioning faith in the unprecedented technological expertise of the time, accompanied by a blindness to the extreme dangers inherent in these missions. If you stop to…
Smile & Smile & Be a Villain . . .
“Today, hearing of yet another outrageous tweet from The Behemoth, these words of the playwright of playwrights, William Shakespeare, came to mind: ‘They whose guilt within their bosom lies, imagine every eye beholds…
Deaf to Their Warnings, Immune to Their Poisons: Snakes
“The blithe independence of snakes did not sit well with Ralph Waldo Emerson. In 1834, he criticized four snakes he’d seen ‘gliding’ up and down a Massachusetts valley, ‘not to eat, not for…
Dr. Franklin’s Tree & The Bastard Progeny
“In modern times, the work of plant explorers has not disappeared. In the last century, over a thousand previously unknown species of orchid have been found in Ecuador alone! Great plant hunters like…
How Do They Make Moons?
“A group of us were taking a walk at dusk near the city landfill, which was located on a spot from which you could get a pretty good view of the Sangre de…
A Day Too Full Of Events To Be Briefly Described
“Gleeful at having found trout (if not the farm) and being together after so long apart, we giggled, toasted each other, and told stories while smacking our lips over the excellent fish—the first…