Masks: How Emperors Are Clothed
“It is important to address right now the present political disaster in the United States (as others must also do in Britain, and Poland, and Hungary, and Russia, and many other nations) as…
Defying Gravity & Time
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—December 2016—While other Contributors have submitted columns on point with the monthly theme provided by our editor, “Masks,” I’ve been granted the latitude to…
Where’s The Crisis? The Masks Of Athens
“The differences came into sharp focus during President Obama’s short visit. We saw banquets and the Acropolis, the impressive interior of the Niarchos Foundation’s glittering new Opera House, and Obama’s magnificent tribute to…
Unmasked Nostalgia
“As the years have passed for me here, and particularly in fractious 2016, I fear that the age of multiple masks, and luminous, colorful ones, is yielding to that of the mono-mask.”—By Alexander…
The Masks We Choose
“The masks we choose say as much about us as the faces we cover with them.”—Helen Noakes Waking Point By Helen Noakes “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with…
The Face in My Nightmares: Trump
“Usually, it takes decades for people to cross over from my present-tense, analog life, into my dreams . . . and nightmares. But Trump has jumped my blood-brain barrier in record time.”—Elizabeth Boleman-Herring…
The Opposite of Evil in Action
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—November 2016—Our editor, Elizabeth Boleman-Herring (who works astonishingly hard and is amazingly effective at keeping Weekly Hubris afloat and moving, icebergs notwithstanding) has challenged…
Damn Proud: Evil
“Exactly what is this abstraction that haunts us? The literature is vast and complex. Augustine thought a man’s erection was a revolt against God. Eighteenth-century Shakers decided intercourse had been Eve’s original sin.…
Our Evil, Our Shadow, Our Trump
“This past year, and over the entire course of the US presidential campaign, we have all borne witness, whether conscious, less conscious, or unconscious, to yet another dangerous dance with Wotan, with the…
“Are there ‘something elses’ that stop changing, thus becoming immortal in some sense, but at the same time dangerous because they take no further part in the life/death cycle that rounds out our…