Journey to Myself
“Achileas’ yearly celebration of a country he would never see again was so deeply felt, as young as I was, it made an imprint. Did he know he’d never see his beloved Aegean,…
Transitional Object
“Those 28 moves have taken me from a suburban Californian home surrounded by poppies and bird-of-paradise plants to an apartment in Kolonaki with a Corinthian maid and a view of the Parthenon. Then,…
April Fool’s Day at the Amtrak Station
“Children are going through contortions on the benches. Two young men talk in Spanish across an aisle. A man and woman speak German over by the water fountain. The young ticket agent makes…
Homing In On Home
“There’s nothing a thief would covet, yet all these bits and pieces are precious to us, even the carafe filled with beach glass and the terrace ledges littered with heart stones and anthropomorphic…
The Farther You Go, the Better It Looks: Home
“Clark Gable is remembered as a thrice-divorced and five-time married screen actor, but he understood what ‘home’ meant: a place you approach knowing someone inside is listening for your footsteps. Whether it’s an…
The Russians Came, The Russians Came!
Note: Sanford Rose has approached July’s monthly theme, “Home,” by reminding us what nation is truly responsible for our living today in the “land of the free and home of the brave” —namely,…
The Only Home We’ve Ever Known
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer Note: This column originally posted on 5/19/2014. BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—7/4/2016—As the resident technology and science geek here at Weekly Hubris, I have assumed a cosmic…
Letter To My Father . . . From Greece
“I could go on and on, unfolding a tale that would ‘harrow up thy soul . . . and make [thy thin hairs] stand on end like quills upon the fretful porpentine,’ but…
A Tale of Three Brothers
“It was the middle of the night, it was snowing, it was bitter cold, and I was in the middle of upstate New York with nothing but farmland around. And I was a couple…
The Cotton Bale & The 20s Chevy: One of Papa’s True Tales
“We started with an outhouse in the yard and a hand pump in the kitchen. The contractor installed indoor plumbing, but the house was still drafty and we had a single wood stove…