Hapax Legomenon (speculative non-fiction and often-formal poetry by Hubris’s Publishing-Editor, Elizabeth Boleman-Herring)
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Eating Well Is The Best Revenge (New-York-born Athens, Greece resident Diana Farr Louis elaborates on fine cuisine, the culinary arts of the Mediterranean, wine, local foodstuffs, traditional cookery, and other feasts, moveable and immovable)
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Won Over By Reality (with his inquisitive mind and engineering background, omnivore Tim Bayer searches out for us brief but entertaining videos)
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Skip The B.S. (quirky but focused personal essays by author, emeritus prof, puzzle-master, and poet Dr. Sterling “Skip” Eisiminger)
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Waking Point (reflections, contemplation, exhortations, and detours by author, playwright, and spiritual traveler Helen Noakes)
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Planetary Hospice (From his off-grid perch in Bellows Falls, Vermont, Dr. Guy R. McPherson files informed dispatches regarding the Anthropocene Extinction) Most recent post . . .
In Speculative Friction, Hubris’s Poetry Editor Claire Bateman introduces us, each month, to the work of a contemporary poet )
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West Side Stories (light-and-dark but, let’s face it, more dark than light, occasional humor by Manhattan denizen and failed, if still in demand, trumpet player Ross Konikoff) Most recent post . . .
Addison (single-panel cartoons created by Georgia-based artist/photographer Mark Addison Kershaw) Most recent post . . .
While I Draw Breath (meditations and asides by Canadian naturalist and author, Kevin Van Tighem) Most recent post . . .
(Using photography as her vessel, Chiara-Sophia Coyle, in Clicks & Relativity, explores and contemplates the relationship between eye, soul, and memory, as expressed through reflected and abstract captures, light, and stillness) Most recent post . . .
Nothing At All to Write Home About (filings from the Hellenic road by Matt Barrett, of Kea and Carrboro, respectively) Most recent post . . .
Words & Wonder musings gathered from memory, experiences past and present, and the magic of life in general by New Jersey Yogini/author Kathryn E. Livingston. Most recent post . . .
Fairly Unbalanced is Michael Tallon’s semi-regular, bi-national column of political, social, artistic, historical, and occasionally scatological commentary. Most recent post . . .
Wing + Prayer (liturgical offerings by Presbyterian minister The Reverend Robin White in which she shares gifts of the spirit with a larger, if virtual, congregation . . . from an analog perch in the pulpit or, more often than not, from her kayak) Most recent post . . .
Plant People (says Jenks Farmer) fall in love with greenery. We get crushes, sneak out for affairs and, sometimes, we end it all with drama and vile. These are our stories . . . .) Most recent post . . .
Emily Hipchen has been arm-wrestled after a long hiatus into contributing again to Hubris, filing Providence & The Sparrow from her current location in the nation’s smallest—but most densely populated—state. Yesterday, in a meeting with twelve strangers and apropos of nothing, she declared herself a complete introvert, which is not a lie. Today she likes the word parrhesia, but a week ago she liked tricuspid and lacuna better. She teaches, of course. Most recent post . . .
Beauty Emerging (Photographs and musings by artist Chris Jordan) Most recent post . . .