Dealing With My Pot Problem
“I spent half a day mixing that stuff up, getting the texture just right, getting it slightly moistened and evenly crumbly—perfect for all the new plants I’ve got to pot up and all…
The Poetry of J. Drew Lanham
“Then—/when the once sturdy barrier/is too old; beyond repair—/down to some skeleton/of former fence glory,/the meadowlarks seek new perches/to sing prairie songs/on last autumn’s stakes/of mullein stalks,/yellow breasts glowing like rising suns,/as the…
The Wheels Grind: Thoughts on Self & War
“I know the terror of being torn away from people and places I love, time and again, and the anguish, shame and self-alienation that come from injuring others. Though I moved to Greece…
Love in the Time of the Sixth Mass Extinction
“We are in the midst of abrupt, irreversible climate change. We are in the midst of a Mass Extinction Event on Earth. How shall we act? What moral code(s) can guide us? These…
Why Paint the Pot?
“I’m not really talking about painting at all, I’m talking about sketching. I don’t even own any paint except for a couple of cans stored in the garage and last opened five years…
Resolution, Revolution
“I have often—too often—felt like a tourist in my own life, pausing long enough to take a snapshot or buy a tacky souvenir, but not to see or do or learn anything memorable…
About Time, Too!
“One is New Year related, another is time related (so sort of New Year related); the other three are all over the damn place.”—Mark Addison Kershaw Addison By Mark Addison Kershaw “Every time is…
The Color Orange & My First Cousin Steadman
“Though Steadman and I—on those so very rare occasions when we meet—are more or less overcome, for the duration of our time together, and all but speechless, remembering our mutual losses, we also…
Christmas in 1930s Athens: An Ancient Greek Reminisces
Eating Well Is The Best Revenge By Diana Farr Louis The iconic Greek family at their dinner table. Author’s Note: “When I was young, growing up on Long Island, my father used to…
Face-off with a Formidable, if Invisible, Foe
“I admire determination. Here’s an instance where determination is both impressive . . . and funny.”—Tim Bayer Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—December 2019—The wind had blown the…