Athens Is The New Athens
“The real revolutionaries are those who keep going with a smile, with a thought for their fellow residents, and respond to our straitened circumstances in creative ways, refusing to be cowed by nefarious…
Wild Thing, I Think I Love You
“I am able, remarkably, to celebrate both the unmatched offerings of nature on its own terms as well as the joys and challenges of trying to make a garden. The close presence of…
Use The Universal Truth Finder
“Yes, there is now a Universal Truth Finder, available to everyone. In fact, you have access to the Universal Truth Finder right now, and you can use it whenever you choose.”—Tim Bayer Won…
Didn’t You Know . . .
“And so, I hear the news, knowing what ultimately befalls swaggering megalomaniacs and their minions and, turning off the chaos, set about living my life as I choose to live it.”—Helen Noakes Waking…
Love on East 13th Street: II, The Pursuit
“I was at my best that night, hitting on all eight. I can’t say when the fireworks ended but, when I opened my eyes, the sun was blazing through the window, and she…
The Brothers Macedonian
“The truth of these ‘Brothers Macedonian’ is that they were products of a unified culture, Byzantine Orthodox but not specifically or exclusively Greek or Slavic. Herein lies the not-so-secret complication of the Macedonian…
A Halcyon Day in Elefsina, Revisited
Eating Well Is The Best Revenge By Diana Farr Louis “The site of The Mysteries, one of the holiest in the Ancient World, was not on any but the most scholarly tourist’s list…
Feet of Clay
“Ralph and I simply stood in awe. It was as though someone had just opened his lunchbox and exposed the Hope Diamond. The word ‘priceless’ was invented for objects such as this ancient…
Light: An Appreciation
“[Light] enables all vision/as it sears the eye,/it’s the scalpel/for the callus it creates. . . .” —Skip Eisiminger Skip the B.S. By Skip Eisiminger CLEMSON South Carolina—(Weekly Hubris)—March 2018 Light By Skip…
Only Love Remains
“Over 15 years ago, as I was editing a book on climate change, I realized we had triggered events likely to cause human extinction by 2030. Notwithstanding neoconservative talking points (aka lies) to…