
  • Athens Is The New Athens

    “The real revolutionaries are those who keep going with a smile, with a thought for their fellow residents, and respond to our straitened circumstances in creative ways, refusing to be cowed by nefarious…

  • Use The Universal Truth Finder

    “Yes, there is now a Universal Truth Finder, available to everyone. In fact, you have access to the Universal Truth Finder right now, and you can use it whenever you choose.”—Tim Bayer Won…

  • Didn’t You Know . . .

    “And so, I hear the news, knowing what ultimately befalls swaggering megalomaniacs and their minions and, turning off the chaos, set about living my life as I choose to live it.”—Helen Noakes Waking…

  • The Brothers Macedonian

    “The truth of these ‘Brothers Macedonian’ is that they were products of a unified culture, Byzantine Orthodox but not specifically or exclusively Greek or Slavic. Herein lies the not-so-secret complication of the Macedonian…

  • Feet of Clay

    “Ralph and I simply stood in awe. It was as though someone had just opened his lunchbox and exposed the Hope Diamond. The word ‘priceless’ was invented for objects such as this ancient…

  • Light: An Appreciation

    “[Light] enables all vision/as it sears the eye,/it’s the scalpel/for the callus it creates. . . .” —Skip Eisiminger Skip the B.S. By Skip Eisiminger CLEMSON South Carolina—(Weekly Hubris)—March 2018 Light By Skip…

  • Only Love Remains

    “Over 15 years ago, as I was editing a book on climate change, I realized we had triggered events likely to cause human extinction by 2030. Notwithstanding neoconservative talking points (aka lies) to…