Murmurous Absences (Best of “Hubris”)
“In the final months of her journey towards death, she fearfully let go the chisel, and saw me take it up and throw it away. (We had no need of that chisel now.)…
So, What Are We Doing Wrong: On Absent Mercies (Best of “Hubris”)
“In Christian worship, in the Episcopalian tradition, the Eucharistic Host is received in one’s hands, palms up and together. The gesture in the parking lot seemed as if it were allowing some harbinger…
Xmas In Athens: An Ancient Greek Remembers (Best of “Hubris”)
Eating Well Is The Best Revenge By Diana Farr Louis The iconic Greek family at their dinner table. “These are the reminiscences of my husband Harilaos, known to some of you as ‘Joy…
Strongyli Kittens, Portfolio I (Best of “Hubris”)
Out of Santorini By Doris Athanassakis Strongyli Kittens I Note: This portfolio of ten Black & White images represents the first offering of works by photographer Doris Athanassakis at Weekly Hubris. Athanassakis…
Love Thy Neighbor (Best of “Hubris”)
Status: Quo Minus By F. Theresa Gillard F. Theresa’s abused doormat. “You guys must be so tired of hearing about my housing escapades but, I tell you, it just keeps getting better. Seriously,…
International Truth Day (Best of “Hubris”)
The Polemicist By Michael House LONDON England—(Weekly Hubris)—December 19, 2016—Not one of my readers in 20 (assuming I have 20) will know about the wonderful UK radio comedy show of the 1960’s…
The Four World War Ones (Best of “Hubris”)
“World War One broke out three times (nearly) before it finally broke out. In the same place and for the same reason: the conflict between Austria-Hungary and Russia over hegemony in the Balkans—the…
The Kindness Of Strangers (Best of “Hubris”)
Pinhead Angel By Burt Kempner “A frozen tableau right off the frozen food aisle: Jamie, holding out his credit card, the open-jawed clerk and Yours Truly glancing down as if my package…
Down On My Knees Before The Grinch (Best of “Hubris”)
“Where we live, in north-central Florida, patience is not a virtue but an absolute necessity. The community here, especially at such emporia as Hallmark, is largely in its late 70s and 80s, and…
Miming Emotion: Dance (Best of “Hubris”)
“Though I carried a can of dance wax to the high-school prom, I was ‘timber toes,’ ‘terminally Caucasian,’ and ‘a dog with four left feet.’ After the first slow dance, my date asked…