“Monumenticide” & Edifice Complexes
“In the YouTube era, we bear witness in near real time to what ISIS is doing to our shared history. Culture expressed in stone, a past preserved, simply ‘has to go’ for such…
The Late Doc Watson of The Great Blue Ridge
“During the intermission, I took advantage of an opportunity to talk with Doc after the ones wanting to say hello and take snapshots had cleared out. We chatted briefly about our ancestry in…
Grieving in Advance: The Sixth Extinction
“I have asked, I have begged, all of you to read Elizabeth Kolbert’s book so that at least we will be on the same page. We are on the same planet and if…
The Kindness Of Perfect Strangers
“‘Your groceries. I’d like to pay for them.’ Check for hidden camera. None in sight. ‘But . . . why?’ ‘It’s something I do.’” —Burt Kempner Pinhead Angel By Burt Kempner GAINESVILLE Florida—(Weekly…
Giggle Bubbles
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—12/7/2015—The only language I understand is English. However, no English is spoken in the video I have for you this week. This does…
One American Muslim Speaks About His Faith
“At the end of the gig, a group of four people came up to me. I don’t think they were from the City; my guess would be they were from somewhere in the…
The Joys of “Avjar”: Culinary Memory Lane
“My kids helped out, when not goofing off in the garden. We cleaned each pepper thoroughly, and then pulled out the barbecue for the grilling. Given the size of our grill, this process…
Debatable Lip Reading
Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—11/30/2015—If you missed the Democratic and Republican party debates, fret not, for I have found video summaries for you! The footage I’ve come…
The Turkish Connection
“I’ve done lots of the tourist ‘musts’ with exceedingly great pleasure, but each visit reconfirms that the Turks themselves are the pièce de resistance in the Lucullan feast for all the senses that…
The Way Forward
“When will we learn to let go of our fear of the other—to see that there is no other, that we are one? Our needs, our grief, our joys, are all the same,…