
  • 3D Lighting

    “The evolution of  drones-with-lights flying in formation has progressed to creating flying 3D images, and I’m looking forward to a time when I will be able to view such a large display in…

  • Not a Cry for Help

    “So, what I said yesterday wasn’t a suicide threat or plea for help, but a truthful if exhausted expression of the contradictory reality I live and that is me, and of its consequences.…

  • Come & See (John 11: 1-45)

    “Like an infant swaddled, Lazarus is bound in strips of cloth, his face wrapped in bands of fabric. ‘Unbind him and let him go.’ The fetters of death and despair are unfastened. The shroud…

  • Grace Amidst Mess

    “Throughout the years, Calli has taught me so much about living with frailty and an illness that is not only ‘messy,’ but which can lead to more and more serious and even fatal…

  • The Poetry of Jim Peterson

    “You stoop to lay your/hand on exposed roots of the cherry tree you planted/ten years ago.  I feel your touch on some part of me/called nothing in this particular moment, called/emptiness by some…