3D Lighting
“The evolution of drones-with-lights flying in formation has progressed to creating flying 3D images, and I’m looking forward to a time when I will be able to view such a large display in…
Climate Change: Abrupt & Irreversible
“2019 was a banner year for the IPCC as it concluded climate change is abrupt and irreversible. After the occasional report by the corporate media during the standard, 15-second news cycle, this critically…
Not a Cry for Help
“So, what I said yesterday wasn’t a suicide threat or plea for help, but a truthful if exhausted expression of the contradictory reality I live and that is me, and of its consequences.…
Summer Memories for A Winter’s Day
“As the summer drew on, we became aware that we were living in a bubble, somehow protected from the disasters that seemed to be striking most parts of the world. Besides the unstoppable…
The Poetry of Ananda Lima
“. . . and we float above the tallest of bone structures/ our heads tilt against the ceiling/ as we drink from the mouth of a whale/the last sliver of air/and I hum/and…
Come & See (John 11: 1-45)
“Like an infant swaddled, Lazarus is bound in strips of cloth, his face wrapped in bands of fabric. ‘Unbind him and let him go.’ The fetters of death and despair are unfastened. The shroud…
The Essential Lesson of Subtraction
“The year of work was intense and solitary. Helen, on her coast, set me tasks; I, on the other coast, took them on. One involved visualizing the mindful subtraction—element by element—of parts of…
The Fountain of Middle Age
“In the 16th century, the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León, (or J-Ponce as he was known to his maritime peeps) was onto something. He came in search of the Fountain of Youth…
Grace Amidst Mess
“Throughout the years, Calli has taught me so much about living with frailty and an illness that is not only ‘messy,’ but which can lead to more and more serious and even fatal…
The Poetry of Jim Peterson
“You stoop to lay your/hand on exposed roots of the cherry tree you planted/ten years ago. I feel your touch on some part of me/called nothing in this particular moment, called/emptiness by some…