“Puzzle” & “Two Moons”
“Do you know it when you meet him? Do you see/Through the glowing filter of happy lust,/On down the twisted tunnel of the years,/ The anguish and the shock of recognition—/The moment when, in…
Singing the Faith (Luke 1: 39-55)
“Mary’s words imply more than just hope for the future. She sings not of things as they will be, but of things as they are changing. She does not say, ‘God will bring…
The Natives Are Restless
“The great plant explorers of the 18th and 19th centuries found spectacular plants growing wild here in the coastal plain of the Carolinas and Georgia. Many of these plants were collected, studied, identified,…
Philosophy & Conservation Biology
“It is small wonder humanity will not be saved. Evolution drives us to breed, drives us to procreate, and drives us to accumulate material possessions. Evolution always pushes us toward the brink, and…
Trump to Salman, Trump to Salman
“Sandy, they’re all over me with this goddamned Ukraine thing, the Doral Club G 7, and the transcripts. Tell me you didn’t tape our Khashogi calls. If they find out it was my…
The Poetry of Jacob Boyd
“The world will wrestle you into place and pin you/down while the weeks slip past./Don’t be/so easily corralled. Buck it./Go visit your fucking folk.”— Jacob Boyd Speculative Friction By Claire Bateman GREENVILLE South Carolina—(Weekly…
The Silence of It
“Let’s imagine that silence roams our world and sometimes inhabits a segment of space/time, effectively blotting out any sound that was there previously. And as an analogy, poetry roams our world as an…
“The Almond Tree Song,” By Becky Dennison Sakellariou
“Driving along once on some country road in Greece, I thought about how I would really like my death to be. And so the poem came . . . .”—Becky Dennison Sakellariou Where…
When Wanderlust Meets a Flagging Libido: Japan, with a Side Trip to Sri Lanka
“After the Japanese national soccer team lost in the 2018 World Cup in Moscow, they left their locker room spotless with a note thanking the Russians for their hospitality. After all, the players…
Filling the Void
“I wound up taking several of his workshops, eventually doing an MA with him and, in the process, learned how to focus intently on details in my writing, to not be satisfied with…