Rollin’ On the River: A Naïve Gourmet in The Big Easy
“Indeed, the location wasn’t promising, competing for space with dozens of passers-by, including a corsage-bedecked nun (with a beard) and a short-legged dog who posed atop a three-foot pedestal for photographs. Very quickly,…
Losing My Religion
“Whether there was a neuron misfiring in my brain, a synaptic scramble (which I’m willing to this day to acknowledge as a distinct possibility), or whether what occurred was an aspect of reality,…
Old Corrections, New Understandings: Aha!
“No matter what is going on between people, it is always a relationship—nothing happens unless the other person is there with his or her energy. No anger, no harmony, no conflict, no love. No nothing.…
The Tongue Is In the Eye: The Poetry of Vera Gómez
“The tongue is in the eye./It speaks through glints and blinks,/Mama after the stroke,/speechless./One blink meant ‘yes,’/two a ‘no.’/I wanted to read her mind/when that gaze overtook her./In the whites of those fixed…
Not Far Enough From the Maddening Crowd
“You should do something brilliant before it’s too late.”—Mark Kershaw Addison By Mark Kershaw ATLANTA Georgia—(Weekly Hubris)—December 2018—Mark Addison Kershaw says that his influences include James Thurber, Jean-Jacques Sempé, Charles Schultz, Berke Breathed, and…
Seeking a Mission for the End of the World
“Live large. Be you, and bolder than you’ve ever been. Live like you’re dying. Because you are. No guilt. We were all born into the captivity of industrial civilization. No blame. No shame.…
Christmas in Athens: An Ancient Greek Reminisces
Eating Well Is The Best Revenge By Diana Farr Louis The iconic Greek family at their dinner table. “When I was young, growing up on Long Island, my father used to bring home…
Cool Summers & Warm Winters: Seasons
“While Emily Dickinson found ‘a little madness in spring,’ I used to find this lunacy in the fall. Faced with a half-acre of wet leaves, many of which slid between the tines of…
What images Say: On Amateur Photographs & Ways To See Them
“I’m writing this while listening to news of devastating fires in California. Climate change has made catastrophic fire events a new normal in Western North America. Every household is now urged to put…
Trump Speaks at The International #MeToo Convention
“What a great-looking group! So many beautiful women . . . a few maybe not so beautiful, but generally a good-looking crowd. Good evening. Thank you for asking . . . me to…