My Gospel of Q: A Nonbinary Emergence
“Brought up in the West of the 20th century, in a family of origin where everyone, to my knowledge, was cisgender; born to a mother whose identity and career were subsumed, willingly, if…
Incomparable: Anita O’Day
“When she changed her name to O’Day, one of greatest exponents of the art of jazz singing came into being. Her unique sense of rhythm and dynamics quickly set her apart, and she…
Arundhati Roy & Rachel Carson: Two of My Guides
“Misogyny and racism are outcomes of every civilization. This latest version—the industrial, global model—is no different from its predecessors, except in magnitude. Much of the misogyny and racism is sufficiently hidden from view…
Addison & The Women
“Generally speaking, women seem to respond favorably to my drawings of their gender, as long as they believe it is a drawing of someone else and not of them. The one time I…
My Mother Did Not Teach Me to Knit
“For me, it just takes a little Bach in the early evening, well played. For one thing, it’s so wonderful to listen to something unabashedly complex again, after being clubbed on the head…
Human Animals?
“The projected rate of climate change based on IPCC-style gradualism outstrips the adaptive response of vertebrates by a factor of 10,000 times. Closer to Homo sapiens, mammals cannot evolve fast enough to escape…
Ouzo of Dalmatia
“Because I paid for Ouzo, I claimed naming rights and, though he had no ‘papers,’ we knew he had a pedigree. Ouzo was a pure-bred dalmatian, with all the havoc such breeding (such…
Towards Rewilding
“I grieve to think of a world where the tiger’s tread is felt no more, where the elephant’s trumpeting is only a faint echo. The wholesale loss of wildlife doesn’t mean fewer National Geographic…