Charismatic Microfauna: Honey Bees
“Should Colony Collapse Disorder worsen, and we lose the bees, an engineering lab at Harvard is perfecting tiny drones, neither male nor female, that will pollinate our crops. Lamentably, the drones will gather…
Transitions, Transections, Transfictions
“What parts of your day offer you the possibility of a tiny hiatus; unused time to pull over, stop, look around? In your ecumene, where do things past drift past use and awareness…
Maybe Drunk People See What We Can’t
“Perhaps it’s possible that those who are drunk are able to see things invisible to the sober.”—Tim Bayer Won Over By Reality By Tim Bayer BRIGHTON New York—(Weekly Hubris)—June 2019—I have a speculative…
The Supreme Adventure
“Ma Twiggs (was) absorbed in reading a seafaring adventure story as she walked to the summer bath house behind the big house, stepping into the bath, only to brush up against one of…
The Poetry of Candace Wiley
“The excerpt of the poetry project featured here uses science fiction and fantasy to weave narratives that stem from the historic moments of Igbo Landing. In May 1803, 75 Africans from the Igbo…
Strongyli Kittens, Portfolio I (Best of Hubris)
Out of Santorini By Doris Athanassakis Strongyli Kittens I Note: This portfolio of ten Black & White images represented the first offering of works by photographer Doris Athanassakis at Weekly Hubris, and first…
Naked, We Walked the Earth for Six Days, but Lo, On the Seventh, We Dressed (Best of Hubris))
“Our first opportunity to strip off outdoors presented itself during a holiday on St. Martin, where we discovered, along its vast coastline, Orient Bay, a world-renowned nude beach and resort where nudity is…
Walking on Earth is Heaven (Best of Hubris)
“The great attraction for most students of Aikido is the underlying philosophy behind all the physical training. Essentially, you can’t keep improving in the art unless you consistently work on yourself, shedding ego,…
The Summer of Two Eclipses (Best of Hubris)
“There we were, a bunch of strangers in a random field, all facing the same direction as if we were sitting on the beach. But our heads were tipped back and we were…