Fire In the Belly (Best Of Hubris)
“I tried to get her to talk a little about her past . . . although I swore I would never ask about any of the famous names linked to hers over the…
Musings on Knots & Not(s)
“The Not(s) in the knots speak to me about the less obvious restrictions in everyday life and culture; the dichotomy, the contrast I personally experienced and still do at times. They express boundaries,…
The Grapes of Grace: Matthew 21: 33-46
“Like the tenants in the vineyard, both Maggie and Jared and, in all honesty, many other members of that congregation, thought that the church belonged to them. Many new people were joining and, yes, some…
The Poetry of Ed Madden
“My granddad gathered up all the small farms in his hand, shook them like a fistful of change, their histories reduced to names: Brownlee, Stitt, Coon Island, Grady. I grew up near Oil…
Happy Lent!
“I’m writing just after the last weekend of Carnival in Greece, which comes to a close not with an Ash Wednesday but with a Clean Monday. This gives Greeks three days on which…
There Will Be No Worms in Gilead
“Isn’t there something deeply wrong with this picture? Yes, because it’s probably true. Those of us who take scientists like Guy McPherson seriously, we know the days of Happiness by Worm are on…
Spring Has Blown!
“Certainly, the days are getting longer, but what I especially cherish is the change in the light, itself. It has a different quality from the low-angled blue-tinted light of winter. As the sun’s…
How We Live, How We Die
“Every day, I hear that predictions are unwise. “Climate science is too complex,” people say. As if Thales of Miletus did not receive the same criticism upon correctly predicting a solar eclipse in…
Beer Goggles vs. Rose-Colored Glasses: Optimism
“Life is a river of incalculable length, width, depth, and direction. Like the Biblical Jordan which rises in the Syrian hills before crossing the Sea of Galilee, life ultimately dribbles into the Dead…
Flights of Fancy
“Have you ever been on a train as it slowed through a town, and made up stories about the people living in the houses you’re passing by? Have you refused to abandon your…