Rise, Salman. Rise.
“In the spring of 2003, The Royal Shakespeare Company helped to bring a theatrical production of Rushdie’s allegorical novel Midnight’s Children to the stage of the Apollo Theater. At the time, and still…
The Bird That Swallowed the Music Box (Revisited)
“I am a merry-go-round mannikin yanked by the pole at the top of my head and tossed off the wheel. My pole goes into the soft ground. I see the whirling stars beneath…
Baron Konikoff, Tinseltown Svengali
“I’ve never considered myself the equal of George du Maurier’s Svengali, able instantly to capture the heart and soul of any woman, nor are my good looks on the same terrace as Cary…
Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea
“Inconveniently, Earth is headed for a dead ocean. As founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Paul Watson has repeatedly said, “if the oceans die, we die.” After all, life on Earth originated in the ocean.…
On Sacred Grounds: Coffee
“‘All aboard,’ cried the conductor as the steam whistle underscored his cry. ‘Oh, dear, the train’s leaving,’ said a traveler at the lunch counter, ‘and my coffee’s too hot to drink.’ ‘Drink mine,…
The Poetry of David Dodd Lee
“When fog hangs this thick there is the pinkest/odor of trouble One chair at the table’s made/of painted wood and sits empty Before we settled/this country before…
Meet Me On the Corner
“I’ve been thinking of my father lately; one night, I was remembering how he used to meet me on the corner when I walked home from my best friend’s house after dark. If…
Milatos, Crete: A Wintry Portfolio
“I did not visit Samaria this time around, but instead spent three weeks closer to the east coast of the island in a very sleepy village called Milatos, located between Iraklion and Aghios…
The Beautiful Evil
“You might wonder why I’m recounting these ancient myths about women. Why now? Because they matter, now. Because the subjugation of women continues to this day. Because it is time to look at…