“During the early 1980s, my first years in Greece, I would seek out rooms on remote corners of islands, on or near the sea, stone houses with wells instead of running water, shepherds’…
Tried & Found Wanton: The Language of Sex (Revisited)
“So, exactly how do humans reproduce if we don’t bifurcate, pupate, or molt? I’m glad the answer to the overwhelming question of my adolescence was not left entirely to my parents.”—Skip Eisiminger Skip…
Engineer, Check. Geek? Nerd?
“If you don’t know the difference between a geek and a nerd, or know how an engineer views the world, there’s a video that may help.”—Tim Bayer Won Over By Reality By Tim…
Hugging Was Enough for a While . . .
Addison By Mark Kershaw ATLANTA Georgia—(Weekly Hubris)—February 2019—
Corey’s Coming: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
“The parable I am about to tell you this morning is a compilation of seemingly disparate threads: a song by the great storyteller Harry Chapin; an experience I had with a church parishioner in…
Finding Meanings in Life
“Finding one’s meaning in an ambivalent universe is one thing. After all, one’s authentic purpose must come from within and it might take years to discover. Finding one’s meaning on an indifferent planet…
Depicting & Editing Storefront Window Reflections
“I invite you to be open to some additional ways of viewing and interpreting such images, aside from the straightforward mirroring effect captured in the elusive moment. Seek out the depths in multiple…
The G-Word
“I know I am not alone in this. I also understand that older, wiser people will say “revel in the time that you have with your children when they are little and…
Hollywood/Bollywood . . . It’s Only a Shower
“My shower ritual continued to evolve over the years, one thing added on another until it required a contoured, long-handled back scrubber, no-skid germ-resistant shower mats, scalp and hair rejuvenating gels, foot scrubbers,…